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92Y @Home

Where there are kids there’s cereal, and where there’s a cereal box, there’s a guitar! School of Music instructor Patti Onerato, who teaches our Instrument Explorers classes for little ones, shares this fun idea using basic household items to help children make, decorate and make music with their own instrument!

What you’ll need:
  • An empty cereal box
  • A paper towel tube
  • Scissors
  • Rubber bands or string
  • Duct tape
  • Paint or wrapping paper or stickers
  1. Cut a circle in the front of the box to make the sound hole.
  2. Cut a smaller circle on the top of the box to attach the guitar neck.
  3. Insert one end of the tube into the top hole and secure with duct tape.
  4. Cut six small slits in the open end of the tube.
  5. Attach long rubber bands (or string), guiding them through the slits and securing them around the bottom of the box. Secure with duct tape.
  6. Decorate your guitar however you’d like, then rock out!

Please note that all 92Y regularly scheduled in-person programs are suspended.