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Bronfman Center for Jewish Life

Dear 92NY Community,

As we gather in the warmth of our homes to celebrate Passover, we are reminded of the timeless lessons of resilience, freedom, and hope that this holiday embodies. Yet, this year, our hearts are heavy with the weight of the ongoing conflict in Israel. Even as we commemorate our liberation from oppression, we cannot ignore the struggles faced by our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land. In many profoundly tragic ways, this year’s Passover is different than all other Passovers many of us have celebrated in our lifetimes.

For those reasons, we are sending supplemental readings that incorporate readings and rituals to mark the uniqueness of this moment.

Passover teaches us that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of light, a spark of hope that illuminates the path forward. Just as our ancestors persevered through the trials of slavery, we must hold onto that same spirit of perseverance in the face of adversity. I have often taught that the word in Hebrew, Pesach, or Passover, captures only the Divine part of the Exodus miracle. G-d passed over our homes. That is indeed something to celebrate. And, yet the human element is subtly missing in the holiday’s name. The Israelite slaves had to do something remarkable to be worthy of redemption and Diving passing over. They had to do a scary, risky thing. They had to slaughter the god of Egypt, the lamb, and, after sprinkling the doorframe with its’ blood, pass through to the other side. We-all of us-know how that feels. To do what is difficult and risky, to move from degradation to dignity, from being objects of history to subjects who write our own stories, that takes the courage to pass through.

In this season of reflection and renewal, let us extend our thoughts and prayers to those affected by the violence in Israel. Let us reaffirm our commitment to peace, justice, and compassion for all people. And let us draw strength from the enduring message of Passover – that liberation is possible, even in the most challenging of circumstances.

As we gather around our Seder tables, may we be inspired to work towards a future where all people can live in freedom and security. Wishing you and your loved ones a Passover filled with joy, peace, and the hope for a brighter tomorrow.

JewBelong Haggadah

In Every Generation: A Haggadah Supplement for 5784

Bringing the Hostages to Your Seder: Seder Supplement

Chag Pesach Sameach,
חג פסח שמח

David A. Ingber
92NY’s Senior Director, Jewish Community and Bronfman Center for Jewish Life

Please note that all 92Y regularly scheduled in-person programs are suspended.